Student Clubs at a college are meant to help students get most out of their experience while they are enrolled at the college for their academic pursuits. These student clubs offer opportunities for student leadership and participation beyond classroom setup and academic programme. They provide a great platform to usher-in distinctive perspectives and life experiences that all students bring to the college. They help in students’ transformation and holistic development in a big way. Clubs are especially aimed at helping students to get involved and find their own niche on the college campus.
Further, being a part of a club or a society helps students to gain knowledge, skills and experience in leadership, communication, problem-solving, group development and management, finance, presentation and public speaking.
There are a number of clubs in Don Bosco College – all students can find one that he or she is interested in. At present the following clubs are functioning: Dance Club, Art Club, Photography Club, Literary Club, Cultural Club, Sports Club, Music Club, Eco Club, and Martial Arts Club. Apart from these clubs, there is also an unit of the National Service Scheme (NSS) functioning in the college.
Art Club

“While drawing, I discover what I really want to say”
Dario Fo
Art gives us a chance to rediscover ourselves. It builds a bridge between our senses and creative mind. Art can communicate information, shape our everyday lives, make a social statement, and also be enjoyed for its aesthetic beauty. It forces humans to look beyond what is necessary to survive and leads them to create for the sheer pleasure of expression and meaning.
Art makes us feel alive! With this spirit, the art club welcomes all artists in the college to a creative journey.
The aim of the art club is to encourage students to express their thoughts, feelings, and creativity through the various visual art forms. In addition, the club will inspire students to exercise their imaginative faculty and will try to expose them to different perspectives of viewing the world.
The club’s vision includes inclusion and creativity – everyone is welcome.
Teachers In-Charge
Mr. Raj Shekhar Iswary
Mr. Anjali Das
Ms. Pinky Wary

Sports Club

The aim of the Sports club is to provide a healthy sporting habit among the students. It helps to learn teamwork at work, coordination among diverse cultural and ethnic groups and infuses discipline and instills a value system in an individual. Value of time, precision and competitiveness are the major learning points apart from communication, coordination and teamwork.
The activities of the Sports Club include taking part in sports and athletic events, training its members and other interested students in various games and sports activities and conducting competitions both within and outside the college.
To date, the sports club of the College has participated in three regional club level football tournaments – at Raimona, Gurubasa and Bengtol Tukrajhar. Our team has advanced to quarter final at Gurubasa and to the Semi finals at Bengtol Tukrajhar.
Teachers In-Charge
Mr. Rakesh Brahma
Ms. Sonali Muchahary
Mr. Bithwa Basumatary
Ms. Jugami Borgoyary

Eco Club

Eco Club or Green Club is a voluntary group which promotes the participation of students of Don Bosco College in learning about and improving the environment. It is a means which our students can organise themselves to learn more about environmental issues and also take action to improve their immediate environment.
The Eco Club has been formed taking a cue from the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership platform (2018) and is made up of teachers and a group of motivated students. It will provide a wonderful opportunity to help generate awareness, built attitudes and enable students to take up activities in the real world in a way that the constraints of the classroom and curriculum will not allow.
- Among the objectives of the Eco Club are:
- Motivate students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.
- Organise tree plantation programmes, and awareness programmes such as Seminars, Quizzes, Essay writing competition, painting competition, rallies, etc.
- Educate students to create awareness among the general public about the need and importance of clean and green surroundings.
- Conduct field visits to environmentally important sites including polluted and ecologically degraded sites, wildlife parks, etc.
- Undertake maintenance of public places such as parks, gardens, etc., both within and outside the school campus.
Teachers In-Charge
Failao Brahma
Sumit Chakraborty
Mariom Daimary

Dance Club

Dance is a form of expression of art that brings people together, allows them to be creative in new ways and is a fantastic way to escape the stress of everyday life. Dance embodies aesthetic values inherent in different societies and cultures, making dance forms different from one society to another. While dance develops confidence, it also enriches physical, creative, imaginative, emotional and intellectual capacities. It also offers one a structured outlet for emotional release while gaining awareness and appreciation of oneself and others.
The main aim of the dance club is to transform students into versatile, self-directed performing artists so that they can perform different dance techniques with attention to alignment, style, quality, weight and rhythm. The club also aims to help students learn valuable life skills such as responsibility, persistence, communication, skill and accountability through the practice of dance. It will also help students to get exposed to diverse cultural backgrounds and encourage them to be more open-minded and embrace diversity in society.
Teachers In-Charge
Bardwi Basumatary
Priyangkha Goyary
Rositha Narzary
Nijwm Daimary

Music Club

It is said, ‘Music is the universal language of mankind, where words fail music speaks.’ The Music Club of Don Bosco College, Chapaguri comprises of music lovers. The club engages in activities such as learning of new musical instruments, music practice, singing and choir practice, song composition, etc. The club also promotes folk music of the tribes of B.T.C and North East India as a whole. In the future the club envisions to participate in musical and singing competitions in the region and to promote talented students to participate in the state as well as national level competitions.
Teachers In Charge
Nobin Narzary
Kethozeno Catherine
Mritynjoy Basumatary
Cultural Club

3. Activities:
1. To organize different Cultural programs.
2. Exhibitions based on Culture.
3. To mark the different festivals celebrated in India
4. Conduct Folk song and Folk tale competitions
5. Organise Cultural photo Collage and Poster Competitions.
6. Conduct Cultural Drama and Skit competitions
7. Classical Cultural Dance competition
8. Cultural Parade competition.
9. Traditional Attire Competition.
10. Essay and poem writing Competitions
11. Quiz and Sketch Competitions
12. Poem recitation and Tableau competitions
1. Purpose:
The ardent aim of the Cultural Club of Don College, Chapaguri is to bring students from different tribes, ethnicities, religions, languages, beliefs, and cultures together under one umbrella with the ideology ‘Many Cultures and One World’ by referring to the term ‘Unity in Diversity‘ which are the two sides of the same coin.
2. Aims and Objectives:
The Cultural Club Opens the door for the budding Bosconians to unleash their talents and creativity which will aid to enhance their personal skills, organizational skills and broaden their mindset, to develop their confidence and foster leadership qualities, to perform any task according to the signs of the time with collaboration, responsibility and time management, as a team and above all to discard the far-reaching nuanced thoughts and ideas regarding different cultures by appreciating and respecting each Culture and ever ready to face the different challenges of present and future in this Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous(VUCA) world.
Teachers Incharge:
Sujata Chhetri
Jack Narzary
Birgdao Hajoary
Photography Club

Photography Club of DBJC is a platform to bring together the like minded students and share knowledge about the art and science of Photography.
The club encourages students to study light and imparts tips on composition.
The club organises activities that give a chance to learn photography, utilise their camera to the fullest and become sensitised to the world around.
The club “focuses” on interaction between experts and students in addition to enhancing peer learning in photography and build an environment to capture memories forever.
Teachers In Charge:
Kleophas Narzary
Sujeet Basumatary