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Don Bosco Senior Secondary School follows a system of continuous assessment with due weightage given to periodic unit tests, terminal tests and attendance. The scheme of evaluation may change from year to year. The current scheme of evaluation is given below:


3 unit tests, 2 terminal examinations, 1 pre-board examination and 1 final examination

Sl. No. Evaluation ComponentNumber Marks/Weightage
1. Unit Tests 2 – best one to be considered 10%
2. Terminal Examinations /pre-Board examination 3 30%
3. Final Examination 1 50%
4. Attendance 10%

Promotion to Class XII

  • Students will be promoted to Class XI provided they get pass marks (30%) for at least four subjects
  • A total of 15 grace marks may be given which may be distributed among at most four subjects


Before Board examination application : 2 unit tests, 2 terminal examinations

After Board examination application : 1 unit test and selection examination

Sl. No. Evaluation Component Number Marks/Weightage
1. Unit Tests 3 – best two to be considered 15%
2. Terminal Examinations 2 25%
3. Selection Examination 1 50%
4. Attendance 10%

Application for Board Examination

  • Students who have obtained pass marks (30%) for at least four subjects at that point will be permitted to apply for Board Examination.
  • A total of 15 grace marks may be given, which may be distributed among four different subjects

Admit Cards

  • Students who have obtained pass marks (30%) for at least four subjects at that point will be given admit cards for Board Examination
  • A total of 15 grace marks may be given, which may be distributed among at most four subjects.


Marks will be given for attendance in accordance with the following scheme:

Attendance percentage Marks allotted
76% – 79% 2
80% – 82% 4
83% – 84% 6
85% – 89% 8
90% – 100% 10
  • For students of class XI attendance marks will be allotted at the time of declaration of the results of the final examination.
  • For students of class XII attendance marks will be allotted both at the time of application for the Board Examination as well as at the time of declaration of the results of selection examination.