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Computer Centre, and Short Term Computer Courses
The School has a well equipped computer centre with 30 computers. Apart from imparting instruction for Board and University courses the computer centre offers short term certificate courses to students of the school as well as others.

The School has two canteens where staff and students can relax and feast on Indian, Chinese, Continental and local dishes.

Stationery and Cafeteria
The School has a stationery shop for the convenience of staff and students. Photostat facilities are available at the shop. A cafeteria attached to the stationery shop provides refreshments throughout the day.

The School encourages participation in sports and games, particularly in Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Cricket and indoor games. The college teams take part in the various sports events organised by the university, state and local bodies.

Freeships and Stipends
The School promotes academic excellence by offering freeship to meritorious students. Meritorious students can apply for freeship at the time of admission and it can be renewed for the subsequent years depending on the performance of the student in the Promotion/Final examination. The School also facilitates fee stipend, house rent allowance and travel allowance for students. Conditions apply.

Remedial Teaching
Education is meant not only to nurture the excellence already present in a gifted person but also to uplift the not-so-gifted, so as to improve academic skills, linguistic proficiency and qualitative techniques. The school arranges financial assistance for conducting free coaching classes outside the regular timetable for weaker students.

House System
The whole school is divided into four Houses. Most of the co-curricular and sports activities of the college, especially during the Sports-cum-Cultural Week, are routed through the Houses. The House System aims at group work, leadership development, integration, healthy competition and genuine fun.

Students’ Welfare Association
The School has a Students’ Welfare Association (SWA) for addressing students’ issues and for building up a team of leaders. Class representatives, who are elected by the respective classes, elect the office bearers of the Association. The Association works in close collaboration with teachers and management. SWA is not affiliated to any organizations outside the college and do not take up issues not connected with the college. The SWA assists the administration in maintaining discipline and elicit support of students in curricular and co-curricular activities of the school.

Community Services
Apart from community services conducted by the NSS unit, the students of the school undertake extension activities including adoption of a neighbourhood village, teaching in a neighbourhood school for poor children, cleanliness drive in the school and neighbourhood, collection and distribution of clothes for the needy and tree plantation within and outside the campus.

Student Development Services
To develop the overall personality of  the students the following courses are embedded in the curriculum of the school: (i) Leadership Development; (ii) Value Education; (iii) Social Responsibility and Civic Values; (iv) Etiquette and Manners. Groups of students are sent for further training programmes to Don Bosco Institute, Guwahahti.